Medical information
Contact details
Sports doctor:
Dr. Van Ongeval
Address: Sportartsenpraktijk, Michel Wittockstraat 21 bus1, 2610 Wilrijk
Website: https://www.sportartsenpraktijk.be
Contact: Tel.: 0475 52 84 03
Address: Desguinlei 17-19, 2018 Antwerp (Wezenberg swimming pool)
Contact: Tel.: 03.808.05.08 or mail: info@fysiolab.be
Website: www.fysiolab.be
The practice is open daily in the Wezenberg swimming pool building in Antwerp. Car parking is available in the swimming pool car park. See the practice’s website for more practical details.
- Physiotherapists Stig Vaerewijck and Filip Stremersch, business managers at FysioLab
What to do in the case of treatment or an injury during training.
See the treatment staff or physiotherapist at the club to have the injury attended to and registered 18.30 – 20.00
Other days:
See the club physiotherapist for consultation at the practice in Antwerp.
What to do with a serious injury during a match.
Home matches
See the treatment staff or physiotherapist at the club to have the injury attended to and registered. They are present throughout the whole weekend
Away matches
See “home matches” or see the club physiotherapist for consultation at the practice in Antwerp.
Follow the procedure below with each (serious) injury suffered during training or matches:
1. See the treatment staff/physiotherapist or team supervisor present at the club to have the injury attended to and registered and obtain the document ‘Accident declaration’ with ‘Medical certificate’ overleaf.
After the accident the document must be immediately collected from the team supervisor or youth centre match secretariat.
The treating doctor fills in the ‘Medical certificate’ overleaf.
Take the completed document with sticker from the health insurance fund to the club representative (Foot Office), who fills in the ‘Accident declaration’ on the front and sends the document to the RBFA.
Save all evidence of payments, because some time later the club will issue you with a ‘Recovery certificate’. Have the ‘Recovery certificate’ filled in by the doctor then go to the health insurance fund with your expense claims. The health insurance fund makes a calculation then pays the legal refund into your account. You give the completed ‘Recovery certificate’ and final settlement statement to the match secretariat. Some weeks later you will be paid by the club in your account. This is the additional payment made by the insurer on top of the health insurance fund taking account of the legal rates, your own contributions and the deduction of administrative costs.
If the declaration is not made within 8 days of the accident the RBFA refuses payment!
Make an appointment with the club doctor, and stick a sticker from the health insurance fund on the document.
When consulting an emergency doctor, on the ‘Medical certificate’ always check point 4 ‘Do you consider the involvement of a physiotherapist necessary’ and stick the sticker from the health insurance fund on the document.
The completed document that you receive from the emergency or club doctor must be submitted by the player or parent on the next Monday (18:00-19:30) to the club’s sports physiotherapist. If a physiotherapy prescription is issued, the treatment must be given by a club physiotherapist. If an appointment must be made with a specialist, this is done in consultation with club doctor and/or club physiotherapist.
When the player may resume and what he must do.
Normally the player may only resume after the RBFA clearance document (sent by the RBFA to the player’s home) has been brought into the club physiotherapist. The player must report this approval to the youth trainer.